Terms and Conditions

We understand that you may sometimes need to reschedule your appointment. When we make your appointment please understand we are reserving time for you to see a provider. This courtesy makes it possible to give the best service here at Aesthetically Rosa. If you need to reschedule an appointment please call the clinic or message us at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. We only give a 10 minute late show to appointments with a call prior, if you do not call and are late over 5 minutes to the office we will automatically mark you as a no-show and charge you for the no-show appointment according to policy.


If you cancel the same day of your scheduled appointment or no-show the appointment, we will automatically charge you a $100 fee for the missed/canceled appointment. 


I hereby release, Aesthetically Rosa, to take payment for services not completed for a no-show or late cancellation. I also state that I read and write in English. Furthermore, my signature below indicated my consent and understanding of everything written in this policy, and my agreement to comply with the requirements placed on me by this policy form.